Little Rock Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents are second only to passenger car accidents across the country.  A vehicle accident occurs about every 12 minutes in the U.S.; light trucks, pickup trucks, large trucks and tractor trucks were involved in a good portion of the accidents that caused a total of 2,217,000 injuries in the year 2009.  Another 36,252 persons were killed in or because of vehicle accidents.  The state of Arkansas had its share of vehicle accident fatalities also, at 585 persons.

Little Rock attorney Thomas G. Buchanan understands all aspects of truck accidents and crashes involving other types of vehicles.  Bus, motorcycle, automobile, train and truck accidents are the specialty of his personal injury legal practice.  He and Beth have over 13 years of their practice devoted to helping clients recover from devastating vehicle accidents.  Many commercial truck lines use Arkansas highways each day, and despite strict laws, trucks do become part of the crash statistics of that state.

Even with a focus on trucking road safety, the causes of truck accidents remain quite similar to the causes of any road accident.

  1. Driver distraction or fatigue
  2. Alcohol
  3. Speed
  4. Inexperience
  5. Road conditions or weather
  6. Overloading
  7. Equipment failure

At the law firm of Thomas G. Buchanan, cases are hand-picked to allow all efforts to be client-focused and successful.  Our firm has had an average resolution of cases amounting to over $500,000.  We value each case and maximize opportunity for our clients to receive full and fair compensation for their truck accident injuries, damages and expenses.  Lost wages, bodily injury, property damage and long-term health care can result from even a minor truck accident.

The category of truck accidents includes more than just large trucks and truck tractors.  A majority of truck accidents involved standard pickup trucks, compact utility trucks, compact pickups, minivans and larger utility trucks.  A truck has size and weight greater than most cars; in any collision, the truck is likely to fare better than a passenger car that it collides with in an accident.  Barring a collision, trucks are frequently more subject than are passenger cars to rollover accidents due to weight distribution, load weight shifts, maneuverability and poor road conditions.

If you have been in a truck accident, contact the law firm of Thomas G. Buchanan, in Little Rock, AR, right away.  Come in for a consultation regarding the truck accident and your rights before it is too late.  We provide big-firm experience and sophistication with small-firm energy and responsiveness.  We promise caring, courageous and committed work for you, as we give each and every client, every day.  No case is too large or complex; we are known to other attorneys as the elite vehicle accident law firm.  Call now; we are ready to use our skills to win your case.


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