Arkansas Road Work Zone Driving Safety Tips

In today’s world, you may feel like you see those familiar orange traffic cones on the road more often than not. While work zones often create traffic headaches, they ensure our roadways stay safe for years to come. As you drive through these areas throughout Arkansas, remember that driver safety plays an important role in work zone safety for other drivers, passengers, and workers. Some of the most dangerous types of auto collisions, including: Truck accidents, bus accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and bicycle accidents occur in work zone safety and road construction areas on the roadways in Arkansas. If you or someone you love has suffered a serious injury as a result of being involved in an accident near or at a work zone safety area, contact an experienced Little Rock, AR injury attorney for a free initial consultation.

Arkansas Work Zone Laws

In Arkansas, all moving traffic violation penalties change when you drive through a marked work zone. You will face double the original fine for speeding and other traffic violations if workers are present when an officer pulls you over.

Marked signs that indicate work zones are typically orange and may include:

  • Signs that read “road work ahead.”
  • A sign with opposing arrows indicating that traffic is heading in both directions in a space that is typically one way.
  • A merge sign indicating you need to prepare for lane consolidation.
  • A pilot car “follow me” sign on the back of a vehicle.
  • A flagger sign with a man on it, indicating that you need to prepare for further instructions from the road crew.
  • The “end road work” sign indicating that you have reached the end of increased fines and can resume driving normally.

Statistics on Road Work Zone Safety

The most common types of work zone area and construction accidents on roadsides or roadways occur when vehicles encounter fixed objects, such as barriers, as well as rear end accidents that occur as traffic moves to adjust to work zone safety requirements.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, 200,000 people were injured and 4,400 people died after being involved in work zone accidents over the last five years. Drivers are the most likely to die in these accidents, and fatal accidents in work zones are most likely to take place during the summer and autumn seasons. If you have lost a loved one as a result of them being involved in a work zone accident, contact a wrongful death attorney in Little Rock, AR for experienced legal counsel that will help you recover compensation for your lost loved one.

Tips for Staying Safe in Road Work Zones

When you see a sign indicating that road work is ahead, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Remove all driving distractions. Turn down the radio, stop a call, and focus on the road. You never know what you might encounter in a work zone, and distractions hurt your ability to respond quickly to sudden traffic stops, pedestrian hazards, and other possibilities.
  • Slow down. In active work zones, speeding up will not allow you to get through the work zone any faster than the cars around you. Instead, keep a safe distance behind other vehicles. Use common courtesy as you merge, and allow for others to merge into lanes with you.
  • Follow the signs. Signs are posted to give you ample time to prepare for roadway changes. Pay close attention to the signs so you can react accordingly. Do not wait to merge or reduce your speed. Prepare for changes at a distance to avoid the risk of a traffic incident.
  • Avoid “rubbernecking.” Following flashing lights is something many people naturally gravitate towards, but the behavior gets drivers in trouble every day. Keep your eyes on traffic, not on what the road crew is accomplishing or who a police officer pulled over.
  • Take timing into account. If you know you are going to drive through a work zone (use Google Maps or another app to identify and plan for delays), give yourself some extra time to get to work or to an appointment. Once you are in a work zone, you cannot control the flow of traffic.

Road work zones may seem to take months away from your normal driving activities, but the work plays a crucial role in maintaining our state’s and country’s infrastructure. Take a deep breath, and prepare for the unexpected.

For more information about injuries sustained in work zone accidents, contact the team at the Law Office of Thomas G. Buchanan.