Drivers frequently are distracted, perhaps as much as half the time. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2008 that driver distraction was the cause of 16 percent of all fatal crashes in which 5,800 people were killed. Another 21 percent of crashes resulted in 515,000 wounded people. Distractions are estimated to be associated with 15 to 25 percent of crashes at all levels from minor property damage to fatal injury. While most drivers adapt to some extent: they pay more attention to driving and reduce their distracting activities in more risky driving situations, cell phone use increases crash risk. Texting is likely to increase crash risk more so even than cell use for phone conversations.
If you are texting while driving you are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car crash. It seems ok because you are only distracted for a few seconds when sending or reading a text message, right? Consider this; it takes five seconds to look at a text message. If you are like the average driver in Little Rock, you are driving at least 55 miles per hour for most of your commute. In the amount of time you look down at your phone, your car travels the entire length of a football field at this speed.
In addition to the increased risk that distracted driving creates, it is illegal to text while driving. Arkansas is one of 36 states that prohibit text messaging for all drivers. Arkansas also bans the use of handheld cell phones while driving in a school zone or in a highway construction zone. A primary law allows law enforcement to ticket a driver for the violation without any other offense taking place. A secondary law requires another citable infraction to occur before the officer may issue a citation. Arkansas texting law is primary while the law against any handheld cell use in a school or highway construction zone is secondarily enforced.
If texting has caused you or someone you know to be injured in a car accident you may be entitled to legal compensation and benefits. When you have a serious injury as a result of a vehicle accident you may be out of work while you recover and there will certainly be serious medical expenses. Call our law firm today if you have questions regarding an injury or accident claim.